Mousai Sound Baths.

Company Sound Bath Events

Company Sound Bath Events

Sound Baths are an amazing addition to any company retreat or as an in-house program to reduce stress and enhance focus and productivity.

Sound Baths are an excellent and accessible way to bring the benefits of mindfulness into the workspace. Imagine a simple and enjoyable way for your employees to enhance creativity, problem-solving skills, confidence, connection, and clarity of mind while letting stress melt away and relaxing into feelings of peace and well-being.

Sound Baths include expert guidance to deepen the effects of the sounds. These meditative, rejuvenating experiences will help bring the power and benefits of more relaxed brainwave states for greater mental clarity and focus.

Some Known Benefits Include:

  • Reduced stress & tension
  • Increased focus & problem-solving
  • Increased mindfulness
  • Increased ability to quiet the mind
  • Release of undesirable or "stuck" thought patterns
  • Improved sleep
  • Increased feelings of compassion & understanding (contributing to better communication with others)

Other Health Benefits:

  • Restores the body's vibration back into peaceful harmony
  • Restores emotional balance (increased emotional regulation)
  • Calming & grounding of the mind and body 

Private Sound Baths 

Private Sound Baths 

Sound Baths are an excellent way to get your body to harmonize at its natural healing frequency. It is a gift you can give to yourself.

I will create a safe and comfortable space for you to work with your breath, relax your mind and body, and experience a very personal Sound Bath that will create natural shifts in your way of being, thinking, and ability to create what is most important to you on your unique life journey.

Sound can help the body to release "feel good" chemicals like endorphins, serotonin and dopamine creating reduced stress and a greater sense of well-being. Give yourself the gift of a private Sound Bath and set your personal intentions for becoming the best version of who and what you want to be in the world. Private Sound Baths include a 30-minute, customized coaching session following the Sound Bath.

"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" Mary Oliver

Your body is energy.
Sound is energy.
Energy is vibration.

Mousai Sound Baths
Mousai Sound Baths.

Wellness Retreats

Wellness Retreats

Carol partners with other women coaches and leaders who create wellness retreats all around the globe. Her Sound Baths bring the elements of relaxation, mindfulness, and the setting of intentions for who you want to “be” and what you want to create for your life.

Retreats designed exclusively for women and led by women can be a great way to connect with your inner wisdom and find sisterhood among your retreat's community of like-minded women.

Sound Bath Benefits:

  • Helps to release endorphins, serotonin and dopamine, the "feel good" body chemicals
  • Restores emotional balance (increased emotional regulation)
  • Enhances calming & grounding of the mind and body
  • Opens creativity and intuition