Sound Spirit
Immerse yourself in a Sound Bath for deep relaxation, to reduce stress, and create greater body, mind and Spirit well-being

What Does Mousai Represent?
THE MOUSAI (Muses) were the Greek goddesses of music, poetry and the arts. They were also goddesses of knowledge.

If you are ready to create positive change in your life, open up your intuition, or find more clarity, meaning, and purpose, learn more here.
Hi! I'm Carol Bonnafe.
I am a certified Sound Bath Practitioner through the Sound Healers Academy. Mousai Sound Baths is about creating sound bodies, sound minds, and sound spirits so that we can more positively impact our worlds and the worlds of those around us.
In 2009, I began my journey into leadership and team coaching after working for over 15 years in senior leadership roles in both Fortune 500 and smaller, entrepreneurial organizations. I am a certified coach having graduated from the Leadership Coach Certification Program at Georgetown University.
As a part of my coaching work, I have helped guide thousands of people to become more aware of the power of their thoughts and intentions to reframe, re-invent, and create lives that bring them more meaning and purpose.
Creating Sound Baths has been the next step on my path to helping people relax, reduce stress, and create the positive change they want to see in their lives. I am passionate about teaching how sound, thoughts, energy, and intention can have life-changing influences on the choices we make and in how we choose to "be" in work and in life.
My Sound Baths are deeply restorative, working with amazing crystal alchemy singing bowls and other soothing instruments. I facilitate Sound Baths for group events, private one-on-one client sessions, wellness retreats, and custom corporate events for both large and small groups.